How To Write Your Vignette

This blog is a community. I want to feature your vignette that describes your world, exactly as you see it. Worlds in Vignette shares only a specific style of vignette so here is the proper form:

Brevity is mastery. No more than 200 words or approximately 4 sentences.

The title of your vignette should name a specific physical location (period) and time.
For example, "My Balcony. Independence Day"

Not a poem! Focus on describing the scene from the five senses: sight, sound, touch, smell, taste.

4. TRUE*
Describe a real place and time or experience that actually happened. Again, not a poem...

Reveal a world that others would want to escape into through your vignette.
I will assign your vignette to a "world" tag based on emerging themes.

Become a Better Writer

Vignette: a short, evocative literary portrait.

Like all good things small, delicate, impressionistic and post-modern, "vignette" is originally French. It meant vinelike, winding little leaves.

Creating a vignette is a creative writing challenge. Many famous writers used the practice of crafting vignettes to hone their descriptive skills. Read some great vignettes here.

Don't underestimate the challenge! These densely packed passages are often the most difficult prose forms to write in. Great vignettes have the effect of a great photograph or movie scene-- transporting you to a time and place so palpable the reader feels the mood and tastes the air of your memory.

Recovering from writers block? There is a basic step process to help break through it here.

Requested Vignette "World" Themes

I am creating a series of vignettes around the following themes. Pick one and contribute!

Third World
The World of Blacks Abroad
Non-profit World
Wedding World
'Merican World
Foodie World

*more or less ;-)

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